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  • weavingthreadstoge

When your sis-in-law outshines you

My sis-in-law is about as opposite from me as one can be. A party-loving extrovert, she is always going. Me? I am a quiet loving introvert.

So what to do when she visits? Art.....yes, art. Something she hardly ever does. So we made a book of her memories.

And then she out-shines anything I have done so far. Here is the cover to the first book she made:

And my favorite pic from the book.

That's the sis-in-law hanging out under our niece's long hair.

She had so much fun Gelli plate printing, she did 14 more pages which we bound into a second book. Love these the best:

That is the cover and these are some inside pages.

The second book was all done with metallic acrylic paints using the Gelli Plate for printing.

As I said: outshone me!

Thanks, Jan, for a great holiday visit and thanks Cherryl Moote for getting me started on bookmaking.

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